Tuesday 30 March 2021

poetry slam

Hello bloggers I am doing the poetry slam challenge. It is very cool and you have to make your own styled poem then when your done you have to screen castify it then you have to blog about it like how I am doing right here is my poem sea poem .


  1. Kia ora Abdullah. I love the way you read out your poem so clearly. I also like how your Google Drawing looks like it is in the sea with that dark blue colour. I really enjoyed the line with the giant nailed teeth. What did you learn about sharks during sea week?

  2. Kia ora Abdullah. I love you how you have such a clear voice keep your work up!!!

  3. Hello my name is Cleo and I am in Haumia. I really like your shark and fish story. It makes me think of the time when I went to goat island. Maybe next time you could add more sea animals.


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